Saturday, August 8, 2009

The sound of the clock ticking

I've been testing out new outside the ear hearing aids the past week and a half.
Hearing things I've never heard before.
Birds chirping in my trees.
Before it was usually just crows I could hear.
Phones, alarms, and all sorts of signals I didn't know existed.
Having read some of Oliver Sach's books has helped me nagivate the waters of rapidly changed neurological impulses.
Finding where I can support myself, with my skeleton as well as from a deeper space within.
The most fascinating things I can hear now are the human voices.
I can listen without strain.
Resting in new support.
Adapting to change.
As the clock ticks.
Beginning this Sunday August 9th 2009, I'll be teaching a 2:00 to 3:00pm group class (Awareness through Movement®) at 8 Limbs Yoga in West Seattle.
These one hour classes will explore how we can find support and move in easier, more pleasant ways.
Class Price: $15.00
$90.00 for 7 class series
Aug. 9, 16, 23, 30
Sept. 13, 20, 27
2:00 - 3:00pm
Erik LaSeur GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®