Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®
Today I turned 47!
And what a beautiful day it was. Sunny, 75 and a slight breeze.
The boy and I ventured on down to the cookoff that was still going on at the beach to have some more of that beef brisket.
An added bonus after we chowed down was that a very nice girl brought Larry and I a pork rib from their grill...I was ever thankful to her. She was with a family group from Portland, Klamath Falls OR, and Reno.
Had a leasurely pedal into DT this afternoon and really appreciated the fact that I can pedal 20 miles a day without much stress. I'm up to 826 miles in the last 7.5 weeks.
To life to life, I made it another year!
And here's to an even better one.
For more on the Feldenkrais Method® you can go to:
Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®
That's what folk music is...
I spent a wonderful weekend in Sisters, OR at the folk music festival. Saw many cool acts, none I've ever seen before.
The one act that left a very strong impression on me was Joe Craven. Joe spends his time at these festivals teaching ordinary folks how to create music. In his act he uses the simplicities of a recording device that can record loops of sounds, he also used pots and pans, etc. as instruments. I never saw Joe before or went to any of the music writing workshops, but what he said at the end of his act truly has inspired me.
I'm paraphrasing since I never wrote any of this down yesterday:
"We all have a story to tell, and we can only do it our way, not anyone elses. The more we suppress letting who we are to shine, the more we die. Whatever art you feel is inside you needs a way to come out, pick it up for 10 mins a day. The world will be a much better and happier place."
I played my saxophone today for the first time in a month or so...for at least 15 minutes!
And the memories of that beautiful sunset as I was cresting 4800' Santiam Pass on Friday night...pink and blue sky...white trunked burnt out forest...crescent moon on horizon.
For more on the Feldenkrais Method® you can go to:
Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®