Tis the season for new bamboo shoots in the yard. This one is already about 12' high and has only been out of the ground for a couple weeks.
Having a physics brain I'm always looking at how things are constructed. How do they find support to stand up? What type of stresses can they take in order to remain erect?
The human body posits the same questions in my daily journey as a Feldenkrais® teacher.
How does one find support in order to be as erect as possible given the forces against us, mainly gravity?
My students will say I probably harp on the finding support theme a bit much. But I find this aspect of the Feldenkrais Method® as an important foundation (pun intended) for potent action in the world.
Sure there are many lessons we can learn about being more flexible, connecting the movements of parts of ourselves with others to have more fluid actions. But without a sound support any new actions we may want to perform won't have the power they could.
When you want to be erect how do you find support?
For more on the Feldenkrais Method®:
Weekly Awareness through Movement® lessons at:
Tuesdays @ 7:00PM
Erik LaSeur GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®
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