Saturday, March 6, 2010

Learning to move, moving to learn

Often when marketing my work I only have 45 seconds to tell a clear, compelling story to my audience.
So usually it revolves around learning to move easier.
This is something that most people can relate to, and doesn't send them running for the doors too quickly.
But it's a funny thing...this feldenkrais stuff.
Yes, you can learn to move with less effort and greater ease. But the point of the Feldenkrais Method is to use movement as a means of learning.
We use movement mainly because it's easier to measure than our feelings, thoughts, or senses.
Learning to learn so we can escape the 'fix' mentality that is prevalent in our society.
We're addicted to someone fixing us when we're broken.
"Doctor can you put me back together?"
Taking back our own inner knowledge of how to help ourselves.
This is the learning that is available to each one of us, at all times, wherever we are.
This learning isn't new to any of us.
We all did it when we were infants.
"How do I pick up my head so I can see Mommy?"
"If I can only figure out how to reach farther up, then I can grab that funny thing they hung over my crib."
No one taught us how to sit up, roll over, stand up, walk, etc.
These are things we all figured out. That we learned by exploring how we could find support from the environment we were in.
This same ability to learn is available now.
To learn how we can work and play without hurting ourselves, and do so with pleasure.
To learn more about the Feldenkrais Method:
Erik LaSeur GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher

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