Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Learning to Fly

"You've got to learn how to fall, before you learn to fly" Paul Simon from 'Rhymin Simon'.
We spent a couple weeks during the first year of our feldenkrais training learning many different ways of falling. To the outside observer it would've looked like we were learning to stand on our heads.
Once we learned that there was a safe way to fall from any direction, standing on our heads was easy.
It's funny that I never could do this when I was a child and had to wait till I turned 40 to accomplish.
But then Moshé taught Ben-Gurion to stand on his head at age 70!
Now I'm learning many ways of not doing a business correctly, different ways of falling in the self-employment world. It's been a bit tough on my psyche as I was raised that I had to do everything perfectly the first time or else I shouldn't bother.
Luckily I'm outgrowing that belief structure.
"To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail." - Michael Jordan
"The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed" - Lao Tzu
These are useful sayings for us when we're learning to fly.
Learn how to fly with
Weekly Awareness through Movement classes are being held on:
Tuesdays 7:00PM
At: West Seattle Wellness
For more on the Feldenkrais method:
Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy spring!

Despite the rain and cool temps, or maybe because of them, it feels like spring today.

These mini-daffs are waking up the blueberry plants above them.

The lilac tree is budding up well, it should put on a good show in a month or so.

The seasons change is a good reminder to myself about how versatile nature is. It's ability to adapt to the changing environment, for it's own nurturance and preservation.

Learning to adapt to one's environment becomes easier as we pay attention to how we inhabit that space called 'our body'.

How is it that I interact with the world around me?

How do I interact with myself?

These types of questions can come up internally while in the learning environment.

I see these seasonal changes, and the occasional wind/rain/snow storm, as nature's own way of testing us, to see how able we are to adapt to the changing environment.

Come explore your own environment, become more adaptable to life.

And enjoy spring!

Weekly Awareness through Movement classes are being held on:

Tuesdays 7:00PM

At: West Seattle Wellness


For more on the Feldenkrais method:


Erik LaSeur

Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®



Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Learning Freedom

Most of what I teach are things we used to know how to do; to learn with abandon as we teach ourselves how to roll over, crawl, sit up, stand...etc., to be free in our movements and thoughts, not afraid to make mistakes (because in the feldenkrais method there are no mistakes, just different ways of doing things).
As we grow out of our infantness and move toward adulthood many of our actions become habitual, acting more out of compulsiveness rather than spontaneity.
The fun thing about the feldenkrais method is that we're given permission to go back to the organic learning style we naturally were born into. Not having to follow a correct script about how things should be done but rather letting us explore what works for each of us as individuals.
Free to be ourselves.
We can only be the best expression of ourselves when following our own bliss, when honoring how we best do something, and not how others do it.
I fall into the trap of trying to run a business the same way other teachers run theirs, with the thought that it should be done how others do it. I always find I get unstuck when I make the decision to follow my own heart about how to proceed, to get out of my own compulsive nature and move in an uncharted spontaneous direction for myself.
Helping others to find more efficient ways to be and move in the world, to help them find their own freedom...this always pushes me to further push for my own freedom....which further helps me help others find a greater degree of freedom in their lives. When someone can learn an easier way to do anything it does open up their experience of life a little more.
Come learn how you can experience a little bit more freedom in your life with the feldenkrais method.
Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®
Awareness Through Movement® lessons (group) at:
West Seattle Wellness in the Alaska junction.
Every Tuesday: