Tuesdays 7:00PM
At: West Seattle Wellness
For more on the Feldenkrais method:
Despite the rain and cool temps, or maybe because of them, it feels like spring today.
These mini-daffs are waking up the blueberry plants above them.
The lilac tree is budding up well, it should put on a good show in a month or so.
The seasons change is a good reminder to myself about how versatile nature is. It's ability to adapt to the changing environment, for it's own nurturance and preservation.
Learning to adapt to one's environment becomes easier as we pay attention to how we inhabit that space called 'our body'.
How is it that I interact with the world around me?
How do I interact with myself?
These types of questions can come up internally while in the learning environment.
I see these seasonal changes, and the occasional wind/rain/snow storm, as nature's own way of testing us, to see how able we are to adapt to the changing environment.
Come explore your own environment, become more adaptable to life.
And enjoy spring!
Weekly Awareness through Movement classes are being held on:
Tuesdays 7:00PM
At: West Seattle Wellness
For more on the Feldenkrais method:
Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®