"You've got to learn how to fall, before you learn to fly" Paul Simon from 'Rhymin Simon'.
We spent a couple weeks during the first year of our feldenkrais training learning many different ways of falling. To the outside observer it would've looked like we were learning to stand on our heads.
Once we learned that there was a safe way to fall from any direction, standing on our heads was easy.
It's funny that I never could do this when I was a child and had to wait till I turned 40 to accomplish.
But then Moshé taught Ben-Gurion to stand on his head at age 70!
Now I'm learning many ways of not doing a business correctly, different ways of falling in the self-employment world. It's been a bit tough on my psyche as I was raised that I had to do everything perfectly the first time or else I shouldn't bother.
Luckily I'm outgrowing that belief structure.
"To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail." - Michael Jordan
"The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed" - Lao Tzu
These are useful sayings for us when we're learning to fly.
Learn how to fly with
Weekly Awareness through Movement classes are being held on:
Tuesdays 7:00PM
Tuesdays 7:00PM
At: West Seattle Wellness
At: West Seattle Wellness
For more on the Feldenkrais method:
For more on the Feldenkrais method:
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