Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Moving forward into 2010

Okay, I know it's the 3rd week of 2010.
I've been a bit busy with marketing (face-to-face) my business, figuring out the logistics of my wedding (yes, I'm getting married on February 14th.
And helping with the remodel of our rental house we just bought over in Boulevard Park.
I've been so busy I forgot to post any new blog articles.
One of the new changes with regard to my business - AlkiMoves Feldenkrais -
is that I'm planning on changing the name to:
Alki Feldenkrais.
When I originally decided upon AlkiMoves as my business name I was running from the 'F' word or Feldenkrais, mainly because it means nothing to the majority of people I talk to. The mere utterance of 'Feldenkrais' would derail my conversations in a way that I would feel on the defensive.
Now that I've got 6 months of public speaking behind me, both at BNI (Business Networking International), and at the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, my confidence level has risen to a level where it's easier to say what I really am.
Another reason is that some think I'm a moving company...such as "will you move my couch?"
In the coming months I'll officially change the name to Alki Feldenkrais, but still use the domain as it's easier to spell than
Here's to moving forward in 2010!
Erik LaSeur GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher
For more information on the Feldenkrais Method:

1 comment:

Dori said...

Congratulations, Bro! Very happy for you! oxo