Sunday, May 23, 2010

Takin it to the streets

Dennis (skeleton) working the booth

The past two Saturday's I've been out in the street with table and skeleton, talking it up about the Feldenkrais Method and my business Alki Feldenkrais.

A month ago the question sometimes was "will this work in such a public venue?"

After the University district street fair last weekend, the answer is a resounding "Yes!"

All the people we talked to and touched, perhaps in a way they've never been touched before.

The next street fair that feldenkrais will be represented in will be the Fremont Soltice Festival on June 19th and 20th.

And yes we'll be wearing our clothes, although Dennis may not be.

For more on the Feldenkrais Method:

Alki Feldenkrais

Erik LaSeur GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher

ask about your complementary lesson today!

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