Tuesday, July 13, 2010

West Seattle street Fair gets Feldenkrais!

This past Saturday I spent 5 hours running half of a booth at the West Seattle street fair. Feldenkrais in West Seattle was going to be represented somehow.

I didn't get in the front door (the paid route), but I did manage to sneak in the back door (the free route) by teaming up with a few others.

Saturday was my 4th street fair this season.

Yeah, it's been an interesting spring/early summer.

The past two street fairs have offered some tough competition with regards to visibility.

The stall neighbor to my left (right in the picture) was a right-to-life group giving out fetus dolls to kids.

Three weeks earlier at the Fremont Street Fair the competition was different but just as stiff (pun intended).

We ended up with the Fraternity Snoqualmie group (aka nudists) next to us. Two older men standing there in their sandals and smiles.

Many people asked "We didn't see your booth, we saw the nudists though!"
I did ask my booth partner Mary if she would take off her top. We needed to compete!

But when others change the paramaters in the game I'm always bouncing around ready to flow with it.

We have one more street festival we're gonna represent Feldenkrais at this summer in Seattle (that I know of).

The 30th Annual Peace Concert @ Gas Works Park on Sunday August 15th 2010.

Come listen to music, have a bite to eat, and exerience a Feldenkrais lesson.

Improve your movement,
improve your life

Alki Feldenkrais
Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher GCFT


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