Sunday, February 13, 2011

The sweet life

"Without learning to know ourselves as intimately as we possibly can, we limit our choices. Life is not very sweet without the freedom of choice.”
~Moshe Feldenkrais

With Valentine's Day coming up tomorrow we celebrate the sweethearts in our lives.
It also has me thinking of how do I (we) celebrate the inner sweetheart?
Taking care of the one we know best.

The curation of ourselves is a multi-faceted event that touches on the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of who we are.

A great tool on this trip through life I've found is the Feldenkrais Method.
The simple, slow movements, and the fostering of attention to the movements has helped me grow as a human being more than anything else alone.

So how intimately do you know yourself?

Give yourself the Valentine's Day gift that keeps giving.

Erik LaSeur GCFP
Alki Feldenkrais

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