The picture was captured last week on the ID/WA border.
The event lasted about 1 hour.
Clouds have to be cirrus, at least 20k feet in the air, with just the right amount of ice crystals and the sun has to hit the clouds at precisely 58 degrees.
I spent a couple days last week laying on the bulkhead at Alki staring up at clouds, enjoying the various patterns. I remember as a child we would lay in the yard and gaze up at the different clouds and 'see' different animals and even people we knew!
To see a pattern in how someone walks or moves I've gotten good at guessing how they also form their thought patterns. There is no separation between mind and body, the pattern of our thinking manifests itself in our physical actions and vice versa.
Eg: If I see that someone has a challenge with stopping their action and reversing course I can make a fairly educated guess that they also have a tough time changing their mind about something they believe...course not easily reversed.
Our bodies are metaphors for how we see the world, like it or not. I choose to use this information for bettering my own personal experience of the world.
"I'm not interested in flexible bodies, but rather flexible minds"
Moshe Feldenkrais
I have to admit I enjoy watching people and the patterns they display that we can all, with some practice, learn to read like a book without ever talking to them.
Last week on the bus on the way into downtown Seattle I overheard (yes this is rare because most conversations to me sound like the adults in Charlie Brown cartoons..."Wohk wohk wohk wohk") a guy talking on his cell with his work about a little financial problem they were having...he was loud. A bit later when he was getting off the bus a lady behind him said "Mr.! you dropped your wallet". Now it would've been interesting to spend the day with him and see if he had a few more financial mishaps, but the pattern was set with those back-to-back incidents for him for a day to examine his beliefs about money and scarcity.
Sometimes it's a bitch to have this kind of awareness that I can see the potentialities (good and bad) of people by the patterns they splash before me. But telling people what you see usually pisses em off so I have to just let nature take its course.
Ways to see your own patterns are as simple as examining the words you use, whether verbal or not. Words are a window into how we think and the experience that we live. Noticing the words and changing them won't necessarily change your experience right away though...because of your history and the momentum this has created.
Just like in a lesson it's important to notice what you do and/or think, without changing it. The observation of the act or thought is more important at this point than changing it. To immediately change how you do something would be a form of denial that you never did it that way. So you'd end up still doing it, and denying it ever existed.
It's okay to acknowledge your idiosyncracies, it's what makes you unique, who you are. To deny that is not healthy.
For more on the Feldenkrais Method® you can go to:
Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®
Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®
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