Friday, November 13, 2009

Adventures in Feldenkrais: Public speaking

On the road of learning how to market my work, I've been focusing my energy on the face-to-face meeting.

I primarily choose this way over passive means because the words 'feldenkrais' 'Awarness through Movement' and 'Functional Integration' mean nothing to the vast majority of people (9 out of 10 in my rough estimation).

So I've been doing the 1 to 1 meetings in an attempt to make myself more visible.
Meeting people for an hour to talk and/or demonstrate what I do and how I work.

To speed things up I've become a member of my local BNI (Business Networking International) chapter.  I see this as a way of working on clarifying my message in front of larger groups.
Every thursday morning I meet with 35 other entrepreneurs and we all have a chance to talk for 45 seconds.
It's only 45 seconds, yet these are precious golden moments where I can craft a clear, compelling message to my audience.
How do you say what you do in 45 seconds or less.
Or as my business coach puts it:
Over the past 5 months I've been playing with my elevator speech at these weekly meetups. This has really upped my confidence level not only in marketing what I do, but also in my actual practice.
Feeling my support
and feeling confident in how I can use this support in a clear and compelling fashion.
For more on the Feldenkrais Method and how it can help you:
Awareness through Movement®

Classes now offered:

Monday 7:00am - 8:00am

Monday 6:15pm - 7:15pm

Thursday 6:15pm - 7:15pm

Erik LaSeur GCFT

Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

Friday, November 6, 2009

Entrepreneurship and facing yourself

The picture below was taken a few days before my open house last night.

Opening the doors to learning.

My intention for opening this place for classes and to the public is one of community.
The more we can learn about ourselves, how we relate or sense the way we lie on the earth, the richer our lives could be.

As with any lesson I teach, I'm a participant along with you.

The past month or so of planning, remodeling, marketing, etc. And to have it completed by a certain date so you can throw a party.

Reaching out to a wider audience invites many more opportunities to have to face myself.

I was visited by many of my past demons, the "i cant's".

Being able to recognize these as past habits, I could ask myself as they appeared "would this serve me now?"
And make a decision.

Taking a momentary look at a compulsion that once was.

The place is open.
The mirror is back up in the restored bathroom.

Awareness through Movement®
Classes now offered:
Starting Monday November 9th 2009

Monday 7:00am - 8:00am
Monday 6:15pm - 7:15pm

Thursday 6:15pm - 7:15pm

Erik LaSeur GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

AlkiMoves Open House

The dust has settled (mostly).

Last night I picked up my electric fireplace insert from ConWay shipping in Renton. Swiftly drove it back to Alki where I installed it into my fireplace.

The bathroom is almost ready.

The studio part of AlkiMoves is ready to show off to the public.

I definitely see why project managers get paid so much.
Having to attend to every detail that comes up when undertaking a renovation and subsequent opening by a set date can be nerve-racking.

The calming part of the whole thing is that I know it will never be totally ready and conversely it's always ready.

So, if you're in the hood (Alki) tomorrow night (Thursday November 5th) from 6:00 - 9:00pm, drop on by to check out the only feldenkrais studio in West Seattle.

AlkiMoves Feldenkrais Center
6023 SW Admiral Way
Seattle, WA 98116
Erik LaSeur GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher

Friday, October 23, 2009

Feldenkrais Teachers In Seattle Open House

This Saturday, October 24th 2009, a dozen of my fellow Feldenkrais teachers in Seattle and myself will be putting on an open house in Fremont.
Between 10am and 3pm there will be 5 different group lessons open to the public....Free of charge!
If you're curious about the Feldenkrais Method and possibly want a larger class to hide out in, then this is the perfect opportunity.
Hope to see some West-siders show up!
Erik LaSeur GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher
improve your movement, improve your life

Saturday, October 17, 2009

To the stars we rise

One of my favorite destinations is the Redwood forest in the coastal region of northern California.

These majestic old trees reach hundreds of feet up into the sky.

Because of the age and height these trees grow to the size of the trunks are large enough for a small car to drive through.

Being a somewhat stable being the large footprint is necessary for its survival.

As more mobile beings us humans rely upon a fairly small footprint. This too is for our survival. What we lack in size and strength we gain with dexterity and intelligence.

To rise to the occasion most effectively we must know how to use our skeleton to support ourselves in gravity.

Then our muscles will be free for action.

And we'll be able to rise toward the stars.

The studio is almost ready.

The floors are done and beautiful! Pics coming soon.

Feldenkrais in West Seattle

Erik LaSeur GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

Improve your movement

improve your life......

Contact Erik:


Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy me!

Today I turn 48, I don't look a day over 30-something...heh.

It's also my dog Larry's birthday within a few days, so I thought I'd post a pic I took earlier this summer when it was uber-hot.

He's laying in front of the fan trying to cool off.

Every year I get older and yet my functioning gets easier, this shows me more and more about the effectiveness of the Feldenkrais Method.

So many people my age complain about the things they can't do anymore, and they blame which I call bullshit on.

Recent studies in Neuroplasticity are now proving what Moshé Feldenkrais postulated over 50 years ago:

Our ability to learn is ever present, even in our most advanced years.

So, no matter what age you've reached, you always have the opportunity to re-live your youth. The simple lessons that the Feldenkrais Method offers, gives any of us a chance to move once again as we did when we were younger.

Stay tuned for details soon on the opening of Alki Moves movement learning center on Alki.

Erik LaSeur GCFT

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The sound of the clock ticking

I've been testing out new outside the ear hearing aids the past week and a half.
Hearing things I've never heard before.
Birds chirping in my trees.
Before it was usually just crows I could hear.
Phones, alarms, and all sorts of signals I didn't know existed.
Having read some of Oliver Sach's books has helped me nagivate the waters of rapidly changed neurological impulses.
Finding where I can support myself, with my skeleton as well as from a deeper space within.
The most fascinating things I can hear now are the human voices.
I can listen without strain.
Resting in new support.
Adapting to change.
As the clock ticks.
Beginning this Sunday August 9th 2009, I'll be teaching a 2:00 to 3:00pm group class (Awareness through Movement®) at 8 Limbs Yoga in West Seattle.
These one hour classes will explore how we can find support and move in easier, more pleasant ways.
Class Price: $15.00
$90.00 for 7 class series
Aug. 9, 16, 23, 30
Sept. 13, 20, 27
2:00 - 3:00pm
Erik LaSeur GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Don't shoot at cows

That was the biggest take-away from a BNI members orientation meeting I attended today.

The trainer had a fancy Powerpoint presentation where a bow & arrow and target appear on the screen. Then some cows appear on either side of the target.

The scenario is that you are blind-folded aimlessly shooting at cows instead of at a specific target.

This is a trap that we can fall into when putting our message out to the world.

Trying to cater to everyone at once instead of targeting a specific niche.

When we target a specific group in our marketing message people are more apt to see themselves or others they know that may need our services.

Lessons also often target specific functions/actions we do in everyday life. Spending time with one area, refining how we move and act, in our own personal classroom.

The quality of movement we learned from the lesson can then be applied to our other movements.

Becoming a whole human being...and not shooting at cows.


'What do you want to do?'


Erik LaSeur GCFT


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day

Okay, I don't have a flag shot.

But these petunias on my porch seem pretty happy to be alive.

They've been given a place to find support for growing from a seedling to a plant that sprouts large flowers.

Similar to plants we too can live a life with more independence by finding and using our support system.

Our skeleton.

Our intention.

Always the question:

From where I am now, at this moment, am I able to move in any direction without hesitation or preparation?

Where do I find support, and how can I change support with as little effort as possible.

Always ready and flowing with our environment.

The environment has already met us, it's hand is always open.

Happy Independence Day!

For more on the Feldenkrais Method®:

Feldenkrais in West Seattle
Erik LaSeur GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Feldenkrais in West Seattle

Some more beauty from my yard in the past month.
This beautiful lilac grows right out my kitchen window.
Watching all the spring growth lately has helped me to see how other beings find support for their growth.
As in watching time-lapse photography, some of the new bamboo shoots are over 20' tall already, in one month's time since poking thier heads out of the ground.
How do they find enough support to quickly climb 20 feet into the air.
Beginning as a soft grass, hardening into a wood.
How do you find support?
Feldenkrais in West Seattle
Erik LaSeur GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Erect this

Tis the season for new bamboo shoots in the yard. This one is already about 12' high and has only been out of the ground for a couple weeks.

Having a physics brain I'm always looking at how things are constructed. How do they find support to stand up? What type of stresses can they take in order to remain erect?

The human body posits the same questions in my daily journey as a Feldenkrais® teacher.

How does one find support in order to be as erect as possible given the forces against us, mainly gravity?

My students will say I probably harp on the finding support theme a bit much. But I find this aspect of the Feldenkrais Method® as an important foundation (pun intended) for potent action in the world.

Sure there are many lessons we can learn about being more flexible, connecting the movements of parts of ourselves with others to have more fluid actions. But without a sound support any new actions we may want to perform won't have the power they could.

When you want to be erect how do you find support?

For more on the Feldenkrais Method®:

Weekly Awareness through Movement® lessons at:

Tuesdays @ 7:00PM

Erik LaSeur GCFT

Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

Monday, May 11, 2009

Red Clover, move on over

Since I live on a corner lot there are two parking strips I maintain. The main strip is on the busy road that brings everyone down to the's grass.

Then there is the other parking strip, where no one can park. I decided a few years ago to plant wildflowers here and just let them do what they do naturally.

Grow wild.

The first and most abundant flowers that show up in the spring are these red clovers. There are hundreds and hundreds of them packed in this little spot.

Since many people walk past here on their way to the beach I always hope that the ones that need to have some flowers to cheer themselves up will help themselves (within reason, of course). I've already seen a few people do just that, and it does make me feel good that I can help brighten someone's day a bit.

So if you need some floral cheer, come on down and pick a few. They don't last forever. Soon they will pass and other wildflowers will take their place.

Amazing how much joy a $1.98 seed packet can bring.

For other ways to uplift your life come check out my Awareness through Movement class being held at:

West Seattle Wellness

Erik LaSeur

Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

For more on the Feldenkrais Method:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Snooze button = dissin my self

I tried hitting the snooze button many times this morning.

I gave myself almost no time.

In the end those obstacles weren't enough to deter me from showing up at 7:45am for my first ever BNI breakfast meeting.

I was the official first-time visitor.

Got to stand up and give my 45 second commercial...oh the anticipation of it all.

My somewhat-well scripted speech didn't get unfolded, I winged it.

It reminded me of all of my lessons.

Just showing up and being present, and having fun.

And learning new things.

Weekly Awareness through Movement lessons at:

West Seattle Wellness

Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

For more on the Feldenkrais Method:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Stretchin the truth

Living down here on Alki I see all sorts of runners and walkers going by, occasionally they stop and stretch.

The normal, violent stretching that we were all told was beneficial to us.

I recall our track workouts in high school, over 30 years ago. Before we could run, the coach made us go through a half-hour or more of painful pre-workout stretching. All the while telling us that this would help us run better...blah, blah...

One of the things that Feldenkrais Teachers learn to understand is the futility and harm that stretching can cause.

What are we after when we stretch?

We want our leg muscles to lengthen, yes?

Well, I can teach anyone in less than a minute a simple, painless way of lengthening their muscles without stretching.

Massage therapists may remember a concept known as reciprocal inhibition when they were going through their training. The firing of the antagonist muscles will reflexibly lengthen their protagonists. Ie...if you want to lengthen your hamstrings you fire your quadricep muscles.

If you think I'm stretchin the truth, the following article looks at stretching from a different direction:

Yes, stretching may feel good. But it's similar to scratching an itch. The more you do it, the more damage you do, the more you crave infinitum.

There is such a thing as beneficial stretching, done with awareness. Paying attention to where your support is from the ground while slowly moving in a stretching direction, and with much less range.

The best performances come when one is aware of what they're doing with their bodies while in the act. The best way of prepping for this, of course, is during training and not the actual performance.

Becoming aware of our habitual nature is a continual learning experience, and can be started at any time, at any age.

The next time you're running, walking, skating, biking, etc. down on Alki, stop by and I can show you a more efficient, less painful way of getting your muscles ready for potent action.

To learn more about becoming more potent in your actions and thoughts:


Weekly Awareness through Movement® classes are being held on:


Tuesdays 7:00PM

At: West Seattle Wellness

For more on the Feldenkrais method:


Erik LaSeur

Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Learning to Fly

"You've got to learn how to fall, before you learn to fly" Paul Simon from 'Rhymin Simon'.
We spent a couple weeks during the first year of our feldenkrais training learning many different ways of falling. To the outside observer it would've looked like we were learning to stand on our heads.
Once we learned that there was a safe way to fall from any direction, standing on our heads was easy.
It's funny that I never could do this when I was a child and had to wait till I turned 40 to accomplish.
But then Moshé taught Ben-Gurion to stand on his head at age 70!
Now I'm learning many ways of not doing a business correctly, different ways of falling in the self-employment world. It's been a bit tough on my psyche as I was raised that I had to do everything perfectly the first time or else I shouldn't bother.
Luckily I'm outgrowing that belief structure.
"To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail." - Michael Jordan
"The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed" - Lao Tzu
These are useful sayings for us when we're learning to fly.
Learn how to fly with
Weekly Awareness through Movement classes are being held on:
Tuesdays 7:00PM
At: West Seattle Wellness
For more on the Feldenkrais method:
Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy spring!

Despite the rain and cool temps, or maybe because of them, it feels like spring today.

These mini-daffs are waking up the blueberry plants above them.

The lilac tree is budding up well, it should put on a good show in a month or so.

The seasons change is a good reminder to myself about how versatile nature is. It's ability to adapt to the changing environment, for it's own nurturance and preservation.

Learning to adapt to one's environment becomes easier as we pay attention to how we inhabit that space called 'our body'.

How is it that I interact with the world around me?

How do I interact with myself?

These types of questions can come up internally while in the learning environment.

I see these seasonal changes, and the occasional wind/rain/snow storm, as nature's own way of testing us, to see how able we are to adapt to the changing environment.

Come explore your own environment, become more adaptable to life.

And enjoy spring!

Weekly Awareness through Movement classes are being held on:

Tuesdays 7:00PM

At: West Seattle Wellness

For more on the Feldenkrais method:


Erik LaSeur

Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Learning Freedom

Most of what I teach are things we used to know how to do; to learn with abandon as we teach ourselves how to roll over, crawl, sit up, stand...etc., to be free in our movements and thoughts, not afraid to make mistakes (because in the feldenkrais method there are no mistakes, just different ways of doing things).
As we grow out of our infantness and move toward adulthood many of our actions become habitual, acting more out of compulsiveness rather than spontaneity.
The fun thing about the feldenkrais method is that we're given permission to go back to the organic learning style we naturally were born into. Not having to follow a correct script about how things should be done but rather letting us explore what works for each of us as individuals.
Free to be ourselves.
We can only be the best expression of ourselves when following our own bliss, when honoring how we best do something, and not how others do it.
I fall into the trap of trying to run a business the same way other teachers run theirs, with the thought that it should be done how others do it. I always find I get unstuck when I make the decision to follow my own heart about how to proceed, to get out of my own compulsive nature and move in an uncharted spontaneous direction for myself.
Helping others to find more efficient ways to be and move in the world, to help them find their own freedom...this always pushes me to further push for my own freedom....which further helps me help others find a greater degree of freedom in their lives. When someone can learn an easier way to do anything it does open up their experience of life a little more.
Come learn how you can experience a little bit more freedom in your life with the feldenkrais method.
Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®
Awareness Through Movement® lessons (group) at:
West Seattle Wellness in the Alaska junction.
Every Tuesday:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

sounds of silence

Okay, so some of my classes could be akin to the sound of crickets.

I'd be ecstatic if there were as many as two students for a

The advantage of having an open room to myself is that I've been able to spend time teaching myself, in a larger space. At home I don't have as much room to roll around.

Having others in the room would be fun too.

Try it out for free.

'Awareness through Movement' classes

Tuesday evenings at 7:00PM

Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

Awareness Through Movement® lessons (group) at:
West Seattle Wellness in the Alaska junction

Enter in alley behind Jak's at 8 Limbs Yoga.


Every Tuesday:

Friday, February 13, 2009

Unknowns to freedom

Part of the fun (or insert appropriate adjective here) of the journey of life are the unexpected turns it can take.
I heard this quote from Graham Nash today that struck me:
"Life is not perfect, and it never will be. You just have to make the very best of it.
And you have to open your heart to what the world can show you.
And sometimes it's terrifying and sometimes it's incredibly beautiful.
And I'll take both.
Staying engaged in the process even when the territory seems unknown. That's pretty much every lesson I've ever
It's interesting to be in that space of not knowing for sure what my next move is for certain, giving myself time to find some clarity and insight into what patterns are presenting themselves.
I remember in some of the old Moshe video tapes, where he'd be giving a one-on-one lesson with a client. Sometimes during the lesson he'd go over and sit down and have a smoke.
He was thinking.
Not sure he's seeing what he thinks he's seeing.
I've found myself taking rests during lessons, so I can take another look, and maybe go in a different direction to effect the same idea.
After receiving a lesson sometimes we have to deal with unknowns.
We may move with more freedom than we're used to.
This presents more opportunities, and more unknowns.
By playing in the world of the unknowns we're asked to move out of the sphere of everything we've tried and develop new strategies to exist.
And new freedoms to enjoy.
Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®
Awareness Through Movement® lessons (group) at:
West Seattle Wellness in the Alaska junction.
Every Tuesday:

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Year of the Ox

Happy New Year!

This is the year of the oxen.

Those of us who are oxen, including Barack Obama and I who were both born in the summer of 61' (he is one month older than me), share these attributes according to the chinese zodiac and Wikipedia:

The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. This powerful sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things.

As one might guess, such people are dependable, calm, and modest. Like their animal namesake, the Ox is unswervingly patient, tireless in their work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint.

Ox people need peace and quiet to work through their ideas, and when they have set their mind on something it is hard for them to be convinced otherwise. An Ox person has a very logical mind and is extremely systematic in whatever they do, though they have a tremendous imagination and an unparalleled appreciation for beauty.

These people speak little but are extremely intelligent. When necessary, they are articulate and eloquent.

People born under the influence of the Ox are kind, caring souls, logical, positive, filled with common sense and with their feet firmly planted on the ground.

Security is their main preoccupation in life, and they are prepared to toil long and hard in order to provide a warm, comfortable and stable nest for themselves and their families. Strong-minded, stubborn, individualistic, the majority are highly intelligent individuals who don't take kindly to being told what to do.

The Ox works hard, patiently, and methodically, with original intelligence and reflective thought. These people enjoy helping others. Behind this tenacious, laboring, and self-sacrificing exterior lies an active mind.

The Ox is not extravagant, and the thought of living off credit cards or being in debt makes them nervous. The possibility of taking a serious risk could cause the Ox sleepless nights.
Ox people are truthful and sincere, and the idea of wheeling and dealing in a competitive world is distasteful to them.

They are rarely driven by the prospect of financial gain. These people are always welcome because of their honesty and patience.

They are reputed to be the most beautiful of face in the zodiac. They have many friends, who appreciate the fact that the

Ox people are wary of new trends, although every now and then they can be encouraged to try something new. People born in the year of the Ox make wonderful parents and teachers of children.

It is important to remember that the Ox people are sociable and relaxed when they feel secure, but occasionally a dark cloud looms over such people and they engage all the trials of the whole world and seek solutions for them.



Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

Awareness Through Movement® lessons (group) at:
West Seattle Wellness in the Alaska junction.

Every Tuesday:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

the F word

Invariably the conversation comes to the question of "what do you do for a living?"
How many ways can I describe what I do without uttering the official title?
Something about the mere utterance of the 'F' word sends normal brains into tailspins, trying to place it into a familiar box, to make some sense of it.
Among alternative titles, following are some of my favorites:
human advocate
wellness teacher
pest control consultant
self image consultant
Even as the name dance goes on, I'm still officially a feldenkrais teacher.
I did just recently give an entire lesson without ever uttering anything about what my professional title was. She was too busy having fun (and smiling a lot) learning how to make her legs light so she could lift them with less effort.
She just knew me as someone that was willing to engage in the play field of learning with her, to hopefully find an easier way to do something. Something that was mostly impossible for her.
She did have the Jan09 copy of the AARP magazine where I pointed her to an article which mentioned feldenkrais as very effective with chronic pain patients.
I said "in case you're wondering what it is that this was."
In case you're wondering about the 'F' word:

Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

Awareness Through Movement® lessons (group) at:
West Seattle Wellness in the Alaska junction.

Every Tuesday:


Friday, January 2, 2009

Got Chronic Pain?

The Feldenkrais Method® is known for helping people with mobility issues, neurological problems, recovering from trauma, and even helping world class athletes perform at higher levels, etc.
But one of the largest groups of people it can help, are those that suffer from chronic pain.
When learning to pay attention to the littlest movements, to how we do them, what parts of us participate, and what parts don’t, we in the process learn bit by bit to move and be as whole persons.
Chronic muscular pain usually exists because part of us has taken on more of a burden of the work than other parts. When we can enlist these forgotten parts back into our every movement, whether it’s just the simple act of pursing our lips or of much larger movements, the work will be spread out more and the stress and strain (and pain) that’s been put on one area will lessen.
Awareness through Movement® (ATM) classes are group classes where the teacher gives verbal instructions and the student(s) interpret them in their own way. Unlike exercise classes where you’re expected to do the movement to its full extent and like everyone else, in ATM it’s not about how far or fast but rather it’s about paying attention to how you do it.
The actual movement is really inconsequential as you can learn just as much or more by not even moving but rather getting a sense of what would be involved to initiate the movement.
Feldenkrais® has been called the anti-exercise for this reason as it has nothing to do with ‘working out’ or getting ‘stretched out’. It’s an educational approach to the intelligent use of our bodies, to the maturation process.
Also, one of the best things I like about the classes is that there is no strict decorum of how you enter the classroom or lesson. We all have our own unique ways of being in this world and each of us needs to honor that by not being pigeon-holed into the same routine as everyone else. It gives each of us another chance to view our own individuality. If one must come late or leave early, no reason must be given to the instructor. The ultimate learner is the student and learning to take care of oneself is the ultimate lesson.
These are adult learning classes, so humor and play are highly encouraged. These are helpful in the learning process.
For more on the Feldenkrais Method®:
Erik LaSeur
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®
...Coming Tuesday, January 6, 2009!
Awareness Through Movement® lessons (group) at:
West Seattle Wellness in the Alaska junction.
Every Tuesday: