Friday, December 24, 2010

Everything's OK

This is day 24 of the #reverb10 writing project:

December 24 Prompt –

Everything’s OK
What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright?
And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead?

The everything alright feeling has to do with how my work and business is progressing.
Are people finding value?

I've had a few moments this year where I've felt that clients have found great value in my work, coming for multiple lessons, referring others to my work.

I could see one of those moments as just yesterday when I taught my newest ATM class at my new gig in Downtown Seattle. The class is relatively new, since November, and given that most people have never heard of what I do, let alone can pronounce it....
I'm very thankful for the one student that has come to every one of the classes.
I get to teach a unique lesson each week to someone that's been around the Feldenkrais Method since my own trainer was going through his training with Moshe Feldenkrais.

When a long-time student of this method comes to see me every week I must be doing something good?

Merry Christmas,


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